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Serge Nubret
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Le  21-04-2011-03:19  de  coimbra  

rest in peace

Le  21-04-2011-03:15  de  Amin   Suisse

I saw Serge the first time in the movie "Pumping Iron", there he was with Arnold Schwarzenegger the most popular Bodybuilder! He had a good life, an he was very very succeedful in Bodybuilding, but I think also as person he was great.

Serge Rest in Peace, I wish his family only the best wishes.

Le  21-04-2011-03:09  de  Damian.   Pologne

My inspiraton [*]

Le  21-04-2011-03:03  de  Tobi  

Thank you Serge,

you have been and will always be a great inspiration!

Have a save journey!

Le  21-04-2011-03:01  de  Dustin  

Heaven beside you Serge, rest in peace

Le  21-04-2011-02:59  de  Alberto Calabrese.   Argentine

Rest in peace now,Mr.Nubret.

All the people around the world will remember you forever.

Le  21-04-2011-02:47  de  ANZY  

A great person und an incredible bodybuilder left the earth, but he´ll be still alive in our hearts!

My sincerest condolences to his family, his friends and to everybody who knew him.


May he rest in peace 


greetings from Germany to the whole world!

Le  21-04-2011-02:45  de  XC38   France

Ecrivez votre message ici!Je viens tous les jours depuis un an sur ce site dans l'espoir d'avoir des nouvelles de rétablissement de Serge, et là que dire si ce n'est mon attristement.  En 1980 je découvrais le monde du culturisme dans sa revue, mes premiers haltères, première ceinture, première prot (c'était quelque chose) etc, grace à Serge. Désormais seul les souvenirs resteront de toi, mais gravés à jamais.

Va en paix Serge.

Le  21-04-2011-02:42  de  sandro   Suisse

Merci beaucoup pour tous Serge, tu etais une grande inspiration pour moi et beaucoup du monde. 

Le  21-04-2011-02:41  de  Enrico   Allemagne

RIP Serge. you are one of the first inspirations in front of my bodybuilding-lifestyle, 20 years ago. you will never forgett!

Le  21-04-2011-02:38  de  Florian Kisling  

A great one! RIP

greetz from Germany

Le  21-04-2011-02:31  de  TEAM-ANDRO.COM   Allemagne

In the name of the german bodybuilding community I'd like to offer our sincere condolences. Serge was a real inspiratio for thousands of athletes and we will always remember him. Rest in peace!


Thomas Koch (CookinT)

Le  21-04-2011-02:25  de  Jonas N.   Finlande

Rest in peace. True artist of the sport of bodybuilding and an influental person.

Le  21-04-2011-02:21  de  junior   Belgique

repose en paix

Le  21-04-2011-02:21  de  Kristoffer   Suede

You were always a great inspiration! And you will live on forever in our hearts.

Rest in peace.

Le  21-04-2011-02:16  de  Christoph   Allemagne

Thank you man


Rest in Peace

Le  21-04-2011-01:41  de  Silvio   Italie

Riposa in pace leggenda !!

Le  21-04-2011-01:24  de  Nicolas DOSIERE   France

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  Paix à une légende du culturisme.

  Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille.

Le  21-04-2011-01:22  de  Misko   Yougoslavie

Rest ina a peace!!!

Le  21-04-2011-01:21  de  Lukas D   Pologne

Remeber [*].

Le  21-04-2011-01:07  de  justme   Allemagne

R.I.P. one of the alltime best...

Le  21-04-2011-00:57  de  Viktor   Bulgarie

R.I.P Champ, you were an inspiration to all of us. Your incredible physique and dedication will be remembered !

Le  21-04-2011-00:10  de  CULTURISMO NATURAL ESPAÑA   Espagne

Descanse en paz, este gran atleta y persona. Fiel a sus convicciones , desarrollo para nuestra admiración un físico espectacular y tuvo la visión de luchar por sus sueños hasta el final. Nuestras condolencias a su familia.

Le  20-04-2011-23:45  de  jeroen   Belgique

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rest in peace champion

Le  20-04-2011-23:39  de  João Vaz   Portugal

We will always remember you, Serge.

Rest in peace great champion!

Le  20-04-2011-23:22  de  Wayne Gallasch   Australie

Serge, may you now rest in peace. You were one of the greatest physiques of all time and an inspiration to all. My sincere sympathy to the Nubret family. It was a privilege to have known you.

Ecrivez votre message ici!

Le  20-04-2011-22:45  de  Paul Finnegan   Etats-Unis

Ecrivez votre message ici!Rest in peace Serge.  Thanks for your contributions to bodybuilding and to my training.  My sincere sympathies to your family.

Le  20-04-2011-22:26  de  Donald Girard   Etats-Unis

God Bless you Serge. A better man was never here. You did so much for so many. You made bodybuilding a respectful sport. Thank you for your contribution.

Le  20-04-2011-22:17  de  WildGorillaMan   Canada

My most sincere condolences to his loved ones.

Le  20-04-2011-21:36  de  Rhys   Australie

Rest in peace serge the greatest.

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