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Serge Nubret
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Le  21-04-2011-23:56  de  Nicola Guerrini   Italie

Rimarrai sempre nei nostri cuori! E nel body building resterai sempre una pietra migliare. RIP

Le  21-04-2011-23:30  de  Oliver   Etats-Unis

Farewell Serge! You were one of the greatest bodybuilders ever and a great inspiration. RIP.

Le  21-04-2011-23:25  de  Pablo   Bresil

ótimo bodybuilder, lembraremos sempre dele. Descanse em paz.

Le  21-04-2011-23:24  de  Rodrigo   Bresil

Um dos meus heróis da " golden age era " do bodybuilder ,  minha inspiração . até agora não estou acreditando . até os anos recentes ele mantinha o físico e rotina igual da era de ouro.   Descanse em Paz Serge / Rest in peace Serge. 

Le  21-04-2011-21:47  de  20   Philippines

farewell serge! you are one of the greatest bodybuilder ever lived! RIP!

Le  21-04-2011-20:58  de  Felipe   Bresil

Sempre admirei seu físico. Seu corpo era magro, mas extremamente musculoso e definido. Você foi uma grande fonte de inspiração pra mim. Fiquei chocado ao saber da sua morte. Descanse em paz!

Le  21-04-2011-20:37  de  Trent Davidson   Australie

Serge Nubret was one of the originals. He along side Arnold Schwarzenegger put bodybuilding on the map and helped make it what it is today. It is very sad news and im sorry to hear however we should never loose site on what he achieved and the incredible life he lived. May u now rest in peace, you will never be forgotten

Le  21-04-2011-20:33  de  Raphael   Martinique


Je salue bien bas cet athlète exceptionnel, qu'était Serge NUBRET.

Une superbe définition musculaire,et je suis fier de dire que cet homme venait de la Guadeloupe.

Comme quoi avec beaucoup de travail et une farouche volonté , nous domiens, nous pouvons parvenir à quelque chose.

Je te salue bien bas l'artiste et en espérant que là ou tu iras, tu prodigueras à ceux qui y résident d'excellents conseils pour une définition musculaire impeccable.

Vive l'artiste


Rahaël de la Martinique

Le  21-04-2011-20:27  de  Crazy Monkey   Malaisie

You have dedicated your whole life to this sport and has been such an influence to the young minds who picked up bodybuilding. Though you have left this world, but your spirit remains. Your legacy will continue and your dedication towards bodybuilding will always be remembered. Thank you for all that you've done for the bodybuilding community. It has been an honour to have had known, even just through reputation. Rest in peace.

Le  21-04-2011-20:21  de  Giulio   Italie

Grazie di tutto, grazie per quello che hai fatto per il culturismo, è anche grazie a te se oggi tante persone seguono questa disciplina.

sei e rimani simbolo ed icona dell'epoca d'oro del culturismo. R.I.P.

Le  21-04-2011-20:18  de  Kevin   Irlande

Sincere condolences to your family. I hope this tough time can be passed with greater ease knowing that you are all part of an incredible legacy, with stories to tell of a truely great man.



Le  21-04-2011-20:02  de  Filip Voicu-Romanescu   Canada

Your legacy and example will be carried on for many years. God bless and may you rest in peace.

Le  21-04-2011-19:49  de  joss   Paraguay

uno de los mejores culturistas del mundo!


descansa en paz serge!

Le  21-04-2011-19:21  de  roger weiss   Suisse

Serge war ein ganz Grosser im Bodybuilding.. eine Icone eben.  Er gehörte noch zu den Golden Years of Bodybuilding zusammen mit
vielen anderen wie Arnold, Franco, Lou Ferrigno, Boyer Coe, Sergio Olive und viele andere. Serge hatte eine super Symetrie ausgezeichnete
Muskelmasse und eine super Defination. Er gehörte immer zu meinen Top Favoriten.

Serge wir werden dich hier vermissen... besten Dank für alles was du im und für Bodybuilding gemacht hast.


Le  21-04-2011-19:17  de  Weldrin Alcantara   Bresil

Rest in peace Serge, you are and always will be a legend to me and the whole bodybuilding community.

Le  21-04-2011-19:12  de  daniel   Afghanistan

im not anywhere close to what you were in ur peak time of display of mental control to bring your body to the level of perfection that it was, i hope you are in a better place and thanks for the motivation that you give me to be more, much love to a man of strength. god bless you and thank you. i will always remember you.


United States of America

Le  21-04-2011-18:57  de  John   Australie

Ave atque vale. In Paradisum deducant eum Angeli. Ora pro nobis, carissime Serge.

Le  21-04-2011-18:54  de  Président AFCPAS. Abou BAKAYOKO   France

Ecrivez votre message ici! A F C P A S: présente ses sinceres condoleances aux enfants et à toute la famille de Serge. c'est une triste nouvelle  dans la douleur, pour le monde entier, le Bodybuilding perd l'un des meilleurs Athletes  de toutes generations. REPOSE EN PAIX.  Président  A F C P A S

Le  21-04-2011-18:26  de  kervin   Etats-Unis

Serge, you have been and will stay such a powerful inspiration and source of motivation for me. Thank you for living the way you did, thinking the way you did, and staying forever a Champion.

-Kervin Puckett

Le  21-04-2011-18:26  de  Louis  

Ecrivez votre message ici!   Mr. Nubret had one of the best physiques in the bodybuilding industry. I've always been a fan. He will be missed. My condelences to the Nubret family. Louis 

Le  21-04-2011-18:08  de  Josip   Croatie

You were a legend,rest in peace my friend...from Croatia!

Le  21-04-2011-17:51  de  tarik   Turquie

Mekanin melekler , topragin bol olsun .

Sen herzaman bizlere ilham lar verdin .

Ailene kuvetler ve sabirlar dilerim ....büyük bir adam aramizdan ayrildin ...

Seni seviyoruz ve hicbirzaman unutmuyacagiz ...cünkü sen bir efsanesin....efsaneler

hic bir zaman ölmez ....

Le  21-04-2011-17:49  de  David Hoffmann   Allemagne

One of the most impressive physiques of all times. Very classic, very close to perfection, but still hardcore dense muscle. A great inspiration for me and many other bodybuilders. RIP!

Le  21-04-2011-17:49  de  Marcin   Pologne


Le  21-04-2011-17:39  de  jordi   Espagne

descansa en paz campeón, fuiste uno de mis referentes en cuanto a cuerpos esteticos, gracias por motivar

Le  21-04-2011-17:38  de  Eric  

Serge was one of the main reasons why I began lifting, and he is one of the reasons I am in love with the sport of bodybuilding.

Damn man, I never knew him, but he is one of the reasons I changed my entire life around, and I owe so much to him.


Le  21-04-2011-17:07  de  Fey   Autriche

Rest in peace :(

Le  21-04-2011-16:52  de  Felipe   Bresil

A last greeting to a legend.

Le  21-04-2011-16:46  de  Zekeriya   Turquie

Serge, rest in peace up there king

one of the most inspiring bodybuilders of all time, amazing physique

You'll grab a good spot in front of the jury up there hopefully my man


Farewell, thanks

Le  21-04-2011-16:05  de  Sanchez   Bresil

Damn! This is a HUGE LOSS, just like him... a HUGE legend, HUGE man. Stay Strong, family!

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